
"Lukenosis Free Your Mind & Your Ass Will Follow"

Month: June, 2013

Ottawa Gastric Lap Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss

ImageObesity has become one of the epidemic and global problems that needed immediate treatment. Canada is second largest country in the world wherein one in every four persons is obese and two-thirds of Canadian men are overweight. These statistics are based on the study conducted by Statistics Canada and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that shows the enormous health threat pose by this dangerous disease.

Many scientists are consistently trying to figure out the perfect treatment and in the process, Dr. Luke, who is certified clinical hypnotherapist, has come up with an innovative and pioneering treatment for Canadians, Ottawa Gastric Lap Band Hypnosis. This treatment is popular all around the world and proving highly successful for reducing weight permanently.

The Ottawa gastric lap band hypnosis is also known as Ottawa Trance Band and Ottawa Gastric Hypno Band, which is designed to easily reduce weight without any pain and suffering. The treatment involves hypnotherapy sessions, where Dr. Luke will convince the patient’s subconscious that a virtual gastric band has been tied around their waist. This way, the patients will feel their stomach is shrinking and their weight will start to reduce swiftly.

The Ottawa gastric lap band hypnosis helps patients to adopt healthy lifestyle, which will enhance their life period and improves their health condition. It will mainly help people lose pounds of weight every week and shrink belly fat by inches. The success of this treatment is only due to that fact that it is completely noninvasive and requires no operation. There is not even single case of death post gastric lap band hypnosis treatment because it requires no needles, injections and surgery.

The Ottawa gastric lap band hypnosis is one of the most successful weight loss solutions available today in the world. With thousands of doctors and medical experts approving the effective and productive approach of the treatment, gastric lap band hypnosis is truly one of the safest methods of losing weight. As the prices are also affordable and cost effective, this treatment is nothing less than a blessing in disguise for obese and overweight people.

As there are no side effects of Ottawa gastric lap band hypnosis, anyone can utilize this heavenly gift, which will improve relationships, health, fitness, physique and develops instant energy. The best factor for the incredible success behind this treatment is that the patients will begin to lose the weight in just 24 hours. The treatment permanently removes the fat from the core of the body.

The Benefits for Hypnotherapy for Stopping Smoking Ottawa


It seems like everybody now is conscious of their health – we all know the things we should
be doing to keep ourselves healthy but whether we do them or not is another thing entirely.
One of the worst vices that many people still have is smoking. It doesn’t need to be stated
at this point how detrimental smoking is to your health. It is common knowledge that
smoking leads to all sorts of debilitating and deadly diseases. Stopping smoking can be
incredibly hard for some people, they have grown dependent on it and reaching for a
cigarette is a temptation that they just can’t resist.

Ottawa Hypnotherapy is an incredibly effective way to quit smoking in Ottawa. Hypnosis is often portrayed on television as a form of mind control. This could not be further from the truth. In fact hypnosis puts a person into an extremely relaxed state where they are more receptive to suggestion. It gets past the guard of you conscious mind and speaks directly to your subconscious mind.

A lot of people wonder whether or not they can be hypnotized. If youʼre wondering
whether or not you can be hypnotized then the short answer is yes! By accessing your
subconscious brain you are putting yourself in hypnosis Ottawa. One of the best examples of this is when you are driving and your mind wonders to something other than the road in front of you, 10 minutes later you have arrived at your destination even though you canʼt
consciously recall every part of the journey.

Now you may be wondering how hypnotherapy ties in to quitting smoking Ottawa. One of the main benefits of hypnotherapy is itʼs ability to make your mind more malleable and open to suggestion. It is excellent for effecting change in your attitudes and beliefs that are associated with smoking and makes you ready and willing to eliminate the habit from your life.

Another way hypnotherapy in Ottawa helps with kicking your smoking habit is it gives you a great feeling of relaxation. How many times have you heard someone say “I need a cigarette to calm my nerves”. Stress is a great contributor to many peopleʼs dependence on smoking and by taking part in hypnotherapy you can greatly reduce your stress levels and thus your desire to smoke.

In conclusion hypnotherapy in Ottawa may not be for everyone but if you approach with a positive attitude then it is proven to be of great assistance with kicking your habit for good.

Ottawa Hypnosis for Anxiety

Have you ever heard about Ottawa hypnosis for anxiety treatments? You probably have not as it is a rather new technique. However do not be fooled, this technique is extremely useful. We all know that anxiety is a hard situation for the person that has it and for the ones that around him. This issue not only brings health related problems but it also damages the brain as time goes by. After all, no one deserves to be anxious and never feel relaxed or in peace right?

There are several treatments available on the market. Most of these treatments include the administration of strong medication. Some patients do not react well to these strong medications and end up giving them up, going back to the whole anxiety problem again. On the other hand some other people prefer to treat their condition by regularly visiting therapists or psychologists. This last option can be helpful to some, however not to others.

There is still another treatment to the anxiety condition that is rather new but has proven its quality over these few years that it has been around. The method is called Ottawa hypnosis. You certainly have heard of hypnosis as an isolated term; however in this context that we have it means that the patient goes under hypnosis to treat the issue. This method allows the patient to relax and not to go over the problem in a harder way, just like he would go if he opted for other treatment methods, such as the one with medicines or the one with therapists.

Now if you are wondering where you can get this treatment we have the right team for you. The Ottawa hypnosis group has been on the hypnosis based treatments ever since it came around. It does not matter whether the patient is a male or female, old or young, the Ottawa hypnosis team will be there to provide the adequate treatment. The professionals that work on the team are highly qualified and only work with the most recent hypnosis techniques. The Ottawa hypnosis team offers several treatments based on the hypnotic method. You will not have to worry, you can trust this team with your life.

Not only will the Ottawa hypnosis team be able to provide the right treatment for each patient, but the team will also make a full follow up of each person. The team evaluates each and every patient when they arrive and once the team starts the treatment they will analyze how the patient is reacting to it. The Ottawa hypnosis team will then analyze what method best fits your condition as well as give each patient total support regarding the subject.

Do not waste any more time with other less useful anxiety treatments, try this new method that has been on the market for those who want a much quicker recovery. Make sure you give Ottawa hypnosis a call and get to know more about this wonderful method to treat anxiety issues.

Ottawa Hypnosis for Fear of Flying


There are several people all over the world that have their lives maimed simply because of the fact that they have a great fear. Flying is certainly one of the biggest fears of these people, especially for those who are already afraid of heights. This immense fear is not simply a problem that comes from the mind. This problem is not only mental, but also physical and spiritual. Most people simply give up on trying to overcome this issue, however if you would like to have your health restored the Ottawa hypnosis is a good possibility for you.

Hypnosis for a better life is a technique that has a good space on the market now. If you decide to give this method a try you will notice that everything is done in a pleasant and safe environment. The techniques used by the professional of the field are going to be the best for you. After all, each and every person is a different individual therefore the treatments must be as personalized as possible. Ottawa Hypnosis is also a very great option for those who would like to have a cheap treatment. There will be no need for users to pay high amounts of money on medications nor visits to the doctor. Ottawa hypnosis is a very good technique that has been used not only for fears but also to relieve pain and stress.

Hypnosis is being chosen by most people hence the fact that it is extremely safe and pleasant. There are absolutely no needs for people to waste time with other kinds of therapies as well as waste money on medicines. Hypnosis Ottawa is one of the cleanest and most efficient methods to help people break the chains of their own thoughts and mind.Ottawa hypnosis can be of help. You will be able to explore and get to know other cultures and languages. You will be free from your own mind to explore all of the world’s best. Several people all over the world are saying yes to this amazing and extremely effective method, called the hypnosis method. This method was tested by several people and it offers absolutely no risks. There are several different techniques that do not require the use of any drugs. People who choose Ottawa hypnosis have the best results fast. There are no other treatments similar to hypnosis available on the market today.

Hypnosis is used to distract the brain and to help it heal from problems it might be facing. There are several great professionals today that are able to help the brain avoid falling into fears. Ottawa Hypnosiscan treat and cure several other problems apart from flying fears, it can help people treat pain, fears in general, problems, diseases and much more. Therefore this is the cleanest method for those who would like to get rid of an issue, being it mental or physical, without having to use strong drugs or even having to undergo surgeries. You can try hypnosis from all over the world.

Ottawa Hypnosis for Insomnia



One of the most unpleasant things in the whole world is not being able to sleep properly. Sleep is the most effective way to rest the body and the mind. People need to get at least 8 straight ours of quality sleep every single night in order to lead a healthy and balanced life, with lots of energy and strength to face the challenges of life. Unfortunately several people suffer from insomnia. This issue compromises their sleep. Not only is insomnia an irritating issue for those who have it but it is also extremely dangerous because people who suffer it can have their behaviors totally changed. A person that was once lovely and calm can become abusive and irritated. This, however, is not the person’s fault, instead it is the disease’s.

Most people often avoid having this condition treated because they are afraid of having to use several strong medications or even having to spend thousands of dollars on doctors and hospitals. In fact most traditional insomnia treatments count with strong medications and constant visits to the doctor. Now, if you suffer from this condition and would like to have your sleep and health back without having to use so many medications or even having to visit a doctor often you can count with the special Ottawa hypnosis treatment. This treatment only involves hypnosis. Hypnosis has been used over the centuries to help people get rid of mental and body illnesses, without having to use drugs. In case a patient has a sever condition where he will need to undergo surgery the Ottawa hypnosis technique will also be able to help. The brain will be set to a position where it will not have its pain receptors on, allowing the patient to have a much smoother surgery. This technique has helped people of all ages and from all over the world.

This Ottawa hypnosis technique will allow patients to improve their sleep quality, getting totally rid of the insomnia signals. Hypnosis will relax the patient and allow him to fall asleep much easier, just like he did in the past. Hypnosis is also a treatment that offers great results in a short period of time. Only a couple sessions are enough to solve a huge issue completely. Hypnosis is also a treatment that has proven itself as a great method to change behavior patterns in people. As hypnosis helps people relax, it also makes irritated and angry people feel much calmer and much more pleasant. Hypnosis is therefore a method that cures much more than one simple condition. It is a cycle. The better you sleep, the better you will feel every single day. Hypnosis will go to the very root of the reason that the person is angry and it will then modify it making the person become sociable again. For instance sleep distresses are often caused by stress and anxiety, therefore the hypnosis technique will go to the cause and simply erase it, giving the person the right to sleep well again