
"Lukenosis Free Your Mind & Your Ass Will Follow"

Month: August, 2015

Visualization And Weight Loss Ottawa – See The Pounds Drop Away!

Closeup of female face.

The surprising fact is that many conditions can be improved by visualization and weight loss in Ottawa is one of them. It works like this: you keep a vision in your mind of how you want your body to look, and subconsciously you will begin acting in a way that will go in that direction. You become much more positive about your body, more accepting of your diet or fitness regime, and you will reach your weight goals more quickly and easily.

Effecting change through visualizing desired outcomes has become more and more acceptable in recent years. Psychologists do not understand exactly how it works but clearly the mind and body are not as separate as we often believe. It seems that if you truly want something it is more likely to happen – provided of course that it is something that is possible, and within your control. Visualization helps us to truly want to lose weight by creating a clear and happy picture of our fitter bodies. Without this we can often put psychological traps in our own path.

Many people who are overweight believe they cannot lose weight. Sometimes you may say it out loud, or hear friends say it about themselves. For other people this belief stays in the subconscious. But it is sure that it influences our behavior. Someone who believes it is impossible for her to lose weight will be constantly battling her own negativity when she is trying to diet. Her mind will be constantly telling her there is no point dieting, she cannot lose weight so she should just go ahead and eat everything she wants. Visualization is the strongest technique that we can use to overcome these negative thoughts and impulses.

If you are plagued by negativity either from your own mind or from the reactions of friends and family to your diet, go ahead and visualize yourself at your desired weight as often as you can. It works on the same level as all those negative voices and can annihilate their influence like nothing else can.

It is important to practice every day – morning and evening if you can. You just need to take a few minutes in a quiet place and keep an image in your mind of your body at its ideal weight. Some people can do this easily, others need some help. If you have a photograph of yourself at your ideal weight in the past, you may find it easier to look at that. Or use a photo from a magazine but cut off the person’s face. You need to visualize your own body, but thinner.

You can also visualize from the inside. Close your eyes and let your awareness focus on a part of your body – for example, your right thigh. Imagine it slowly becoming thinner in your mind’s eye. Then move to the other thigh, and on through the body. It may help to start at the feet and move up towards the head, or vice versa.

As you go about your work or daily chores, think of yourself as already at your ideal weight. Create your own affirmations and repeat them often, always in the present tense (“I am glad to be flexible, fit and slim”, not “I will …”). Enjoy the feeling of having a positive self-image. Over time, this will help you to keep to your weight loss plan. You will find that fatty foods are less attractive and exercise is more enjoyable.

While your weight loss will of course be gradual, the wonderful thing about visualization is that it gives you a new body image right away. Use visualization and weight loss to make you happier right now, today!

Dr Luke

Help Your Child Avoid Smoking In Ottawa

Ottawa quit smoking

What would you do if your son or daughter decided to start smoking in Ottawa?

Maybe your child already smokes. Perhaps you’re a smoker and hope your child won’t pick up your unhealthy habit. Maybe there is no history of smoking in your family, but you fear that your child’s friends might serve as a bad influence.

Every day in the U.S., 1,500 kids become regular smokers, one-third of whom will die prematurely as a result. Many young people are driven to smoking through peer pressure or because they watch their parents and role models smoke.

For parents who want to quit smoking to set an example for their children, or for anyone who wants to kick the habit, one company has a unique approach that it says helps smokers quit gradually.

Safer Smokes Inc. ( has created Bravo, a smoking cessation product made with lettuce leaves. It has all the characteristics of a tobacco cigarette with three key differences: no nicotine, no tobacco and none of the dangerous carcinogens derived from the additives found in commercial tobacco cigarettes.

With Bravo, smokers still get the experience of smoking a cigarette but without most of the harmful effects of tobacco cigarettes. People who use Bravo are able to eventually cleanse their bodies of nicotine.

Tobacco use is the nation’s leading preventable cause of death, killing more than 400,000 people and costing more than $180 billion in health care bills and lost productivity each year. Nearly 90 percent of all smokers start the habit by age 18.

Clinical studies have evidenced the relative safety of the Bravo product when compared to tobacco cigarettes.

Dr Luke


15 Great Ways To Lose Weight In Ottawa Fast

Ottawa Weight Loss

15 Great Ways To Lose Weight In Ottawa Fast

Want to lose weight in Ottawa fast? It’s easy to say goodbye to 10 pounds of unwanted fat with these easy diet tips. Just pay attention to what you eat and be sure to have good tasting, fresh and healthy food including snacks, fill up on vegetables and keep your taste buds happy with fruit.

No need to make sacrifices! Just follow these simple guidelines to lose your first 10 pounds, last 10 pounds or give your weight loss program a boost when it seems to have stuttered to a halt. This is a balanced and flexible plan that you can use for as long as you want.

1. Keep a note of everything that you eat and drink. You do not need to estimate calories. Just write down what it was that you had and the approximate quantity. You will find that being more aware of what you are eating helps you to plan healthy meals and snacks.

2. Halve your intake of all pure or added fats. This means using half as much butter or spread on your bread, toast, muffins and potatoes; half the usual amount of mayonnaise or sauce on your salad; and half the oil in the frying pan every time.

3. Limit treats containing sugar to three times per week. This includes chocolate, ice cream, desserts, cake, pastries, cookies, etc.

4. Include a lower fat source of protein at most meals: chicken, fish, beans, cottage cheese, or low fat yogurt. Have eggs, nuts and red meat occasionally but not every day.

5. Plan at least one lunch and dinner every week without meat or cheese. Build those meals around whole grains, vegetables and beans to increase fiber and reduce fat.

6. Reduce the fat content in your milk products. If you are currently drinking whole milk, reduce to 2% fat. From 2% reduce to 1%. Choose lower fat cheese and yogurt. When you buy yogurt, also check that it does not contain sugar.

7. Have at least two servings of fruit every day. This can be for dessert or snacks. Choose fruit that is in season.

8. Drink water instead of sodas, juices, milky drinks or alcohol. Avoid diet soda – the sweet taste only encourages you to crave sugar. Hot water with a slice of lemon can be very refreshing in the morning.

9. Include at least two servings of vegetables at lunch and dinner. If you are getting hungry, have more.

10. Eat slowly. The body is slow to register when you are full and it is easy to eat too much if you are racing through your meals.

11. Grated carrot makes a great snack. You will find that a grated carrot is much more filling than a whole carrot. Strange but true.

12. Use whole grains wherever possible. The fiber will give you a fuller feeling and also help your digestion.

13. Choose food that you can chew. Again this will increase your fiber intake, and the act of chewing will make you feel more satisfied too. This means eating fruit instead of drinking juice. If you have soup, make sure it is chunky.

14. Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time. Plan your shopping too – make a list of what you need and stick to it. If you just grab something when you are feeling hungry, you will probably choose high calorie food.

15. Always switch off the TV when you eat. That includes snacks as well as meals. Studies have proved that we eat larger portions in front of the TV, probably because we are much less aware of what we are eating. When you eat, only eat if you want to lose weight fast.

Dr Luke

Are You Paying Too Much to Quit Smoking at Your Local Store?

Ottawa Stop SmokingGiving up nicotine is not easy. Ottawa Smokers have a physiological addiction to nicotine and their behavior has been conditioned to follow a routine that reinforces the habit. Most smokers know that smoking it bad for them, even potentially lethal, yet they continue to smoke.

Its a sad fact that in today’s markets the big pharmaceutical companies are able to regulate the prices of consumer products. What I am specifically talking about is the #1 most widely used quit smoking product, Nicorette Gum.

I am here to tell you that you can find the same Nicorette Gum online for a hugely discounted price. Nicotrol Gum currently sold in overseas countries is that solution.

Nicotrol Gum is a rebranded form of Nicorette Gum. This means that it is the same gum as Nicorette, manufactured by the same company, in the same country (all Nicorette products are produced in Sweden) but sold under a different brand name, at a different price.

A typical internet price for a pack of Nicorette Gum in the Canada is $40.50. Compare that to $24.50 for a similar sized pack of Nicotrol from an overseas supplier. That’s a roungh saving of 40%.

There are also other options option available such as generic brands.

Habitrol gum, formally known as Nicotinell gum is another brand of nicotine gum that has become very popular over the last couple of years. Habitrol gum has been said to taste better and is cheaper than Nicorette and last longer than Nicorette Gum.

Dr Luke
